A Hero is a full-width highlight row (with text and images) usually placed at the top of the home page to grab attention. Heroes can only be added to Pages.

Types of Heroes

There are 5 different Hero layouts to choose from:

  1. Carousel Hero: Creates an accessible carousel of up to 5 items that users can manually click through to view each carousel item. Each carousel item has a title and image with optional fields for a tagline and link.
  2. Full-width Image Hero: Displays a large image that bleeds into the borders of the page (includes an optional title and link).
  3. Full-width Video Hero: Displays a large video that bleeds into the borders of the page (includes an optional title and link).
  4. Image + Text Hero (portrait and landscape images): Provides two options for displaying an image and text in a hero. Optional fields include: tagline, title, subtitle, and link.
  5. Video + Text Hero: Displays a video in the hero and provides optional fields for tagline, title, subtitle, and link.

Adding a Hero

(* = required field) 


1.) Select Hero Block Type

First, when adding or editing a Page, find the Hero section, select a Hero Block type, and click the Add Hero Block button.

Only one Hero Block type is allowed per Page. To switch between them, remove the current hero by clicking the three dots to the right of the Collapse button. Then, select a new type. 

screenshot showing location of the Remove Hero function


2a.) Carousel HEro 

Each Carousel Item* has a tagline, title*, hero image*, and hero link. Click the Add Carousel Item button to create up to 5 Carousel Items.

screenshot of the Add Carousel Hero screen


2b.) Full-width Image Hero

The Full-Width Image Hero has a title, hero image*, and hero link. 

screenshot of the Full-width image hero fields


2c.) Full-width Video Hero

The Full-Width Video Hero has a title, hero video*, and hero link. Please note that your chosen third-party video service (e.g., YouTube) and settings may add text overlays or other elements to the video. 

Admin screen to add a full-width video hero


2d.) Image + Text Hero

First, select a Display Option*:

  • Option 1: Image on the left and text on the right.
  • Option 2: Portrait image on the left and text on the right.

Both options have a tagline, title, subtitle, hero image*, and hero link. 


screenshot of Image + Text Hero fields



2e.) VIDEO + Text Hero

The Video + Text Hero has a tagline, title, subtitle, hero video*, and hero link. 

screenshot of Video + Text hero fields

Hero Examples

Carousel Hero Example

Example of a Carousel Hero


Full-width Image Hero Example (Image only)

Example of a Full Width Image Hero


Full-width Image Hero Example (Image with title and link) 

Example of a Full Width Image+Title Hero

Full-width VIDEO Hero Example (VIDEO WITH TITLE only)

Full-width video hero with title text

Full-width VIDEO Hero Example (VIDEO WITH TITLE & LINK)

Full-width Video Hero with video of Duke Chapel

Image + Text Hero Example (Option 1) 

Example of Image+Text Option 1 Hero

Image + Text Hero Example (Option 2) 

Example of Image+Text Option 2 Hero

Video + Text Hero Example 

Example of Video+Text Hero