Pages typically make up the bulk of site content. They are informational consisting of content and media with a layout that can be customized by site editors.
Set up your Categories taxonomy terms before creating a Page.
Add a Page
(* = required field)
1. Go to Content in the main navigation menu, and select the Add Content button.
2. Select Page from the Add Content page.
3. Enter required Title*.
4. If applicable, select NetID Required.
Note: Any media files added to a NetID-protected Page can still be accessed by all public users. To protect a File, we recommend storing it in Duke Box (or another Duke-approved collaborative work tool) and linking to it.
5. Add an optional Hero – by selecting a Hero Block type and clicking Add Hero Block.
6. Add a Summary.
- Summaries are displayed in teasers and lists, and they are limited to 255 characters.
7. Add a Thumbnail Image
- Thumbnail images will display in a Page List.
8. Choose all applicable Categories.
- Categories applied to Pages are used for creating Page Lists. If you need to add or revise Categories, refer to the Taxonomies documentation.
Pages are made up of Content Blocks. You can add any number of content blocks to a page. When you create a new Page, a Content Box displays by default. You can use, collapse, move, or delete it as needed.
- Adding and arranging Content Blocks
- List of available Content Blocks
- Visual guide of Content Block examples.
1. Click Save to publish to the website or deselect published checkbox to save as a draft.
- You can access Unpublished content on the administrative side of your site in the Content section.