Importing Events and News Content into Sites Pro

Your website can pull Events and News from other Duke services via feeds. You can add multiple feeds of each type.

Events from duke event calendar:

  1. An event feed can be pulled from the Duke Event Calendar.
  2. Event items can also be created manually.
  3. An automatic Event List page will be generated which displays all events at-a-glance and allows filtering by category (viewable only on your production website). An automatic Past Events page will also be generated.

News from duke today:

News can be time-sensitive articles, press releases, or external news stories.

  1. A news feed can be pulled in from Duke Today (and only Duke Today).
  2. News items can also be created manually.
    • Manually created News items can have the title link to an external news source (e.g., CNN).
  3. An automatic News List page will be generated which displays all news items at-a-glance and allows filtering by category (viewable only on your production website).

Sharing Your Site's Content with RSS Feeds

You can also provide an RSS feed of your Blog, Event, and News items for other sites and services to consume.

Blog rss:

  1. Find your Blog RSS feed at the following URL:
  2. View an example Blog RSS feed

Events rss:

  1. Find your Events RSS feed at the following URL:
  2. View an example Events RSS feed

News rss:

  1. Find your News RSS feed at the following URL:
  2. View an example News RSS feed