Resources are additional information that users can explore – e.g. files, URLs, audio, video, and descriptive text. They can be uploaded to your site, or you can link to a resource hosted on an external site.

A Resources list page is generated automatically. It displays all Resources at-a-glance and can be filtered by category.

Users must have the Resource Creator or Resource Reviewer roles to access this feature.

Important: Categories First

Set up your Categories taxonomy terms before creating Resources.

Add a Resource

(* = required field)

1. In the Drupal admin menu, go to Content Add Content > Resource.

2. Enter required Title*.

3. If applicable, select NetID Required.

4. If the Resource's content already lives on another webpage, add an Alternate Link.

  • To link to an item hosted on another site (e.g., PDF on a government website), enter the link to the item, using the format, and the Title will link to this URL.
  • To link to an internal page, start typing the title of a piece of content to select it.
  • To link to an internal file, enter the relative link – e.g., "/sites/default/files/report.pdf."

5. Upload a Thumbnail Image by clicking the Add Media button. 

  • Allowed types: gif, jpg, jpeg, png, svg.
  • This image will appear on the List Page and Resource List content block, but not on the Resource item page itself. You will need to add the image to Description field if you would like it to appear there.

6. Add a Last Modified Date.

7. Enter a Summary.

  • Summaries are displayed in teasers and lists, and they are limited to 255 characters.

8. Enter a Description of the resource. You can use the WYSIWYG to add images, links, and other content.

  • This is where you can add a file – either via the “Insert from Media Library” button, or by linking directly to a file that already exists in the Media Library, following the instructions for linking to images or files on Add Links.

9. Add Owners to the Document.

  • Owners do not display on the front-end of your website. The purpose of this field is to inform content editors about who to contact if there are questions or document revisions are needed.

10. Choose all applicable Categories.

  • Categories are used for filtering items on the Resources list page or Resource List content block.

11. Click Save to publish to the website or deselect published checkbox to save as a draft.

  • You can access Unpublished content on the administrative side of your site in the Content section.


Resource Example

Click on the item below to view a live example of a Resource item.

Resource Title

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed porttitor tortor at odio tempor, in accumsan elit fringilla. Maecenas tempor sollicitudin mollis. Suspendisse varius et nisl ac porta. In laoreet dapibus rhoncus. Phasellus id lacus ut lectus fermentum varius nec sed quam. Nulla ut tincidunt erat, venenatis dapibus dolor. Quisque egestas ac diam eget elementum. Aenean dignissim posuere sapien, id ornare purus venenatis id. In nec felis pulvinar, feugiat sapien maximus, accumsan purus. Duis at justo rhoncus, blandit nunc eget, imperdiet eros. Morbi pulvinar risus vitae euismod placerat.