An Iframe embeds items from other sources. Sites Pro only allows embeds from the following approved sources:

Approved sourceTips for finding the correct source URL

Accessibility Requirements*


Copy the URL, starting with ""

Share URLs starting with "" (without the ".app") may not display for all users.

Copy the URL of your registration form, starting with ""


How to embed charts

Duke Maps
  1. Select the Share icon for a Duke map
  2. Under Link to this Location, click Copy Link
Google Calendar
  1. Use these instructions to get the iframe code: Add a Google Calendar to your website
  2. Then, copy just the map URL from that Iframe to the Link field

Google Maps

Embed a map or directions 
IM Leagues


Knightlab Timeline  
Looker Studio (formerly Google Data Studio)

Embed a report

Microsoft Bookings

On the Booking Page tab, copy the Your Booking Page link 

You must add text that provides an alternative way for users to book an appointment. For instance, you can add a Content Box above the form, with the text, “To book an appointment, email us at, call us at 1-111-1111, or use the form below.”

MyEmma Support site

You must add text that provides an alternative way for users to sign up. For instance, you can add a Content Box above the form, with the text, “To sign up email or fill out the form below.”
  1. Click the Share icon for your video
  2. Under "Who Can Access This Video," select the Embed button
  3. Click Copy Embed Code
  4. Delete <iframe src=" and ></iframe> to get the URL
PathwaysReach out to the Pathways team for more information 
  1. Navigate to the Distributions tab for your Qualtrics form
  2. Copy the Anonymous Link
NetID-protected Qualtrics surveys may generate a login error. We recommend linking to these surveys instead of embedding them.
  1. Use these instructions to get the iframe code: Getting a Scribe's embed snippet code
  2. Then, copy just the URL starting with ""

Share my photos


* These actions are required for these embeds to comply with Duke's accessibility guidelines.

Add an Iframe

(* = required field)

1. When editing a Page or Story, click Add Content Block and choose Iframe.

2. Enter Administrative Title [1] and Display Title [2].

Screenshot of the fields for Administrative Title and Display Title.

3. Enter a URL* [3] and Link text* [4] for the iFrame. Be sure to use the URL link, not the <iframe> source code (see examples below).

  • Link text [5] is required for accessibility purposes. Write the Link text in a way that someone who cannot see would be able to understand what the iFrame is depicting.

4. Enter Width [13] and Height [14]. Note: The Width and Height have default values that can be overwritten if needed, though it may take longer than the usual 10-minute delay for these dimensions to update.

Screenshot of the fields for width and height.