An Image Card Row is a row that has "cards" containing an image with options for title, text, and link. Cards work best with images that are photographs, and not icons or logos.

Add an Image Card Row

(* = required field)

1. When editing a Page or Story, click Add a Content Block and choose Image Card Row.

2. Enter Administrative Title and a Display Title for the Image Card Row.

Screenshot of adding Administrative Title and Display Title.

3. Add an Image to your first Image Card (photographs work better than icons & logos).

Screenshot for field to add media

4. Add a Heading and Body text.

Screenshot of fields for adding a Heading and Body text.

5. Enter a Link* (the URL and link text) and click Add Image Card as needed to add up to 3 image cards.

Note: The Link will make the entire image card clickable.

Screenshot of fields for adding a link to an Image Card.


Image Card Row Examples 

Below are examples of Image Card rows. Here are the elements that are being displayed:

  1. Display Title for Image Card Row
  2. Image for Image Card
  3. Heading for Image Card
  4. Body text for Image Card
  5. Link for Image Card

1 Image Card Row Display Title


Image Card Heading

Image Card body text.

Link to Homepage

2 Image Card Row Display Title


Image Card Heading

Image Card body text.


Image Card Heading

Image Card body text.

3 Image Card Row Display Title


Image Card Heading

Image Card body text.


Image Card Heading

Image Card body text.


Image Card Heading

Image Card body text.